
Why do we charge by interactions?

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are increasingly turning to AI solutions to enhance customer interactions, service efficiency, and even sales performance. At the heart of these innovations lies a significant question: how should AI services be billed? At our organization, we’ve made the strategic decision to charge based on interactions, and here’s why that approach is not only practical but also beneficial for businesses and their customers.

Why charge on Interactions?

1. Objective Measurement

Charging based on interactions provides a more transparent and objective measurement than resolution-based billing. Consider this: many companies might count abandoned conversations or tickets as ‘resolved,’ which can inflate bills and misrepresent the true efficiency of service. For instance, a customer of ours with an online chat system experiencing a 40% abandonment rate might see these abandoned interactions mistakenly counted as positive resolutions. In reality, focusing solely on deflection or quick resolutions could adversely affect customer satisfaction. By charging per interaction, we ensure every conversation is valued and accounted for, without bias towards quantity over quality.

2. Aligned Incentives

When billing is based on resolution, AI solutions might only target easily resolvable queries to maximize their cost-effectiveness. This approach leaves complex issues—the ones where AI can truly assist—under-attended. By focusing on interactions, AI can be incentivized to assist with all manner of queries, from simple to complex, thereby genuinely enhancing the capabilities of the human team it supports. This creates a more comprehensive support system where AI isn’t just picking the low-hanging fruit but is actively contributing to more significant problem-solving efforts.

3. True Value Reflection

The ultimate aim of AI is to save time and improve efficiency, whether by providing complete answers or aiding human agents with preliminary information. Simply equating a resolution rate to time savings doesn’t capture the full picture. The complexity of interactions varies, and our billing model, based on interactions, provides a closer estimate of the actual value delivered. This ensures that businesses are paying for tangible utility and support rather than inflated metrics.

4. Holistic Business Support

In the dynamic world of AI, the delineation between sales and service is increasingly blurred. AI systems now have the potential to combine these functions seamlessly, creating opportunities for upselling within service contexts and offering invaluable support during sales processes. By charging per interaction, we allow AI to function as an all-rounded team member, effectively engaging with customers to serve needs and maximize business opportunities without focusing narrowly on resolution targets.

Our commitment

Our commitment is to elevate both sales and service through AI’s potential to integrate and optimize operations holistically. By charging based on interactions, we ensure that AI serves as a proactive, reliable business partner, not just a problem-solving tool, fostering enhanced collaboration and customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, billing by interactions not only reflects the value of AI more accurately but also aligns closely with the goals of most businesses: creating meaningful, effective, and satisfying customer experiences. As AI continues to transform how we interact and operate, we remain committed to providing this crucial clarity and value through our services.